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Club Athlique Medee

1958 Burt Co.
  1451 Metcalfe Street  
  Montréal, Quebec, Canada Ordered: Langworthy & Co.

The Club Athletique Medee was registered as an entry with the Province of Quebec on November 2, 1938.  The incorporating officers were all from the same family: Amede, Arthur & Zephirin Ferland.  Amede Ferland was the principal figure -- he was a former boxer and well known boxing promoter (also owned a string of racehorses).

The club was originally located in Saint-Hyacinthe, just outside of Montreal.  While there it had a few different addresses, but most of the 1940s-1950s was located at 475 Mondor Avenue.

In early 1958, at about the same time as the Burt chip order, the club moved to 1451 Metcalfe Street in Montreal.  While at that location, the club was well known as a place to gamble (mainly Canadian games of barbotte and barbo).  No evidence has been found that the club existed after 1960.

Change of address for Club Athletique in 1958
From 1959 Montreal city directory
In April 1959 a couple of reporters from La Presse wrote an article about gambling in Montreal titled: "Montreal at Night: Do you want to gamble?  These "private' clubs will let you in ..."  One of the three places they visited was the Club Athletique Medee at 1451 Metcalfe Street.  The basic point of the article is that gambling is going on at "private" clubs with government charters but anyone can into these places  Below is the article.